2025 BEACH YOGA: Narragansett Town Beach, Celebrate Our 23rd Year!
🙂 7 Days a Week, JUNE 28th thru SEPT. 1st (also: May 24,25,26,31, June 1,7,8,14,15,21,22)
🙂 $20 drop in class/ $90 for 5 classes
🙂 In sand by lifeguard chair #3 & 4; Bring: Towel, Water, & Your Fun
🙂 Park Free Across St. from Beach (Called Employee or West Lot), Anne Hoxsie Ln; 7:45am-9:30am)
🙂 Unsure of rain cancellation call 401-640-1673; Sending Love, Good Health, Peace & Happiness Always
STUDIO CLASSES: Mondays 5:30pm & Saturdays 8:45am
PERSONAL TRAINING & PRIVATE CLASSES in Yoga, Pilates & Free Weights; 7 DAYS A WEEK; ALL YEAR at NATURAL FITNESS STUDIO, Narragansett Beach, or Your Location 🙂 Call for more information
Click on TABS above: Beach Yoga, Studio Yoga, etc. for more Info 🙂
(Click to Call for a Free Consultation)